Be Your Own Publicist!

Who knew that being a KidLit Creator meant you had to become a skilled book marketer? What happened to the days when an author could sequester themselves in a quiet log cabin in the middle of the woods with their trusty typewriter and write stories? What if you don't know the first thing about building a website? Or establishing a social media presence? What if the thought of cold-calling schools and libraries to pitch your presentations has you waking up in a cold sweat at 2am?

It doesn't have to be scary! Learn helpful tips and tricks from author Veronica Bartles, coordinator of the MD/VA/DE/WV/DC Read Local Challenge since 2015. In this 6-course series, you'll visit every stage of the marketing journey, from preparing your school and library visit presentations to building your online presence to reaching out to book events and keeping an audience engaged, both in-person and online.


line art drawings of a laptop, a confused frog with social media icons swirling around his head, a white board, the initials SYWSYS, a frog peeking out from behind a book, file folders, and children arranged in the shape of a heart, to represent the 6 segments of the selling yourself without selling yourself short series of courses


SYWSYS Course Overview

Write Now: Make a Plan

There are a million different ways to art!

Your publishing journey will be different from anyone else's. And that's a good thing! There will obviously be overlap, times when your paths cross, and times when you're actively walking side-by-side with other KidLit Creators. But only YOU are telling your story. Only YOU have your personal experiences. Only You know the best way to art for yourself.

Now that you have an idea of what to expect from the courses in this series, take a moment to make a plan.

  • Where will your journey begin? Which course will you start first?
  • Will you work through the courses one at a time, finishing each one before starting the next?
  • Will you sample bits and pieces from the courses, filling your soul with the whole SYWSYS buffet until you have completed your own custom course of study?
  • What are you hoping to accomplish by the time you have worked through these courses?
  • What is your end goal? This will drive your choices as you navigate your publishing journey more than anything else will. As the Cheshire Cat told Alice, the path you should take depends entirely upon where you want to get to!
  • Now that you have a sense of where you're going*...

    Let's begin!

    *Remember that it's always perfectly okay, even encouraged, to change direction from time to time. If you discover that the path you're walking leads to a destination you don't want, don't be afraid to change directions! If you hit a wall and can't find a way over or through it, don't be afraid to come at it from a different direction. You may discover that the detour leads you so someplace even better.

    Shine in Your Own Spotlight


    line art drawings of a laptop, a confused frog with social media icons swirling around his head, a white board, the initials SYWSYS, a frog peeking out from behind a book, file folders, and children arranged in the shape of a heart, to represent the 6 segments of the selling yourself without selling yourself short series of courses


    Access the Full Series of SYWSYS Courses

    If you don't already have a username and password to access the course, you may click one of the buttons below to purchase access to the Selling Yourself Without Selling Yourself Short series, or to add a consultation or group Zoom meeting to your previous purchase.

    Selling Yourself (Without Selling Yourself Short) marketing courses

    Selling Yourself Without Selling Yourself Short

    6-month access: full series


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    Selling Yourself (Without Selling Yourself Short) marketing courses + One-on-One Consultation

    Selling Yourself Without Selling Yourself Short

    1-on-1 Consultation + 6-month access


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    Selling Yourself (Without Selling Yourself Short) marketing courses + 6 Small Group Consultations

    Selling Yourself Without Selling Yourself Short

    6 Small-Groups + 6-month access


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    SYWSYS Consultation or Small Group

    Selling Yourself Without Selling Yourself Short

    1-on-1 Consult or Small-Group Zoom

    $35.00 - $99.00

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