Resources & Downloadables for Teachers, Parents, & Readers
On this page, you will find coloring pages, writing exercises, fun facts, activities & more! I hope you will be inspired to ask that magical question, "What if?" and look for the adventures all around you. Please check back often, as I will be updating this page whenever I find something fun for you!
Please contact me to inquire about scheduling author presentations for your school, library, or organization. I am currently scheduling virtual visits (with limited in-person options each month) for spring\summer 2024 and the 2024-25 school year. I have multiple options available to meet your needs and budget, from informal 15-minute Q&A sessions to multi-day in-depth writing workshops. My in-person events calendar is still limited as I ease back into pre-COVID norms, and it fills up fast each month, so contact me as soon as possible to set up a visit.
Virtual presentations can be presented either live via Zoom (or whatever platform you are most comfortable with), or as on-demand, pre-recorded classes that you can work through at your own pace.
Learn more about what I have to offer on my author presentations page.
I write books where "Happily Ever After" is just a bit more than what the Brothers Grimm imagined...
... Books where the princess (or prince) gets to choose their own happy ending.
The Princess and the Frogs
Downloadables & Resources
Princess Cassandra would love to learn everything about frogs. But with more than 5,000 different frog species in the world, there is always something new to discover!
Click Here for
Click Here for
How to Fracture a Fairy Tale writing guide for turning the familiar fairy tales, myths, and other stories we all know and love into something new and exciting.
Click Here for
How to Write a Cake writing guide. Every story has the same basic ingredients, but the way you put them together can bring all kinds of delicious results!
Click Here for
How to Fracture a Fairy Tale writing guide for turning the familiar fairy tales, myths, and other stories we all know and love into something new and exciting.
Paper Plate Frog Friend
Click Here for instructions.

Tutorial plus Q&A
Veronica Bartles & The Ivy Bookshop: Lift Every Voice Storytime event
(virtual event: 15 May 2020)
Meet Veronica Bartles
Amazing things happen when you ask the magical question "What if?"
Twelve Steps
Downloadables & Resources
Andi's 12-step program is based on the 12 steps of Alateen.
Alateen is a very real, very effective support group for young people who care about and worry about someone with a drinking problem. Andi bases her fictional 12-step program on this, because she feels like her life sometimes spirals out of control as she deals with her sister's addiction to perfection.
Please click here for more information about Alateen, and to find or start a support group in your area.
(*note: I am not affiliated with or endorsed by Alateen or Al-Anon. I am simply a firm believer in their mission, and an advocate for those who need the support they can provide.)

When TWELVE STEPS came out on 25 March 2014, I posted a special promotional blog post to celebrate the release every day for the 12 days leading up to the publication day.
- * Recipes inspired by the book
- * Excerpts & Quotes
- * Behind the scenes stories
- ... including a peek at my teen diary!
Click here to see all of the 12 Days of TWELVE STEPS blog posts.
Book Trailers
Most-Requested Presentations for Schools & Libraries

Every cake starts with the same basic ingredients: eggs, flour, milk… Every story also starts with the same basic ingredients: character, setting, plot… We will start with the basics, then add a healthy helping of "What if?" to choose the right layers and decorations for creating a delicious story "cake!"

Everyone knows that fairy tales always end happily. But is the accepted ending always the happiest? In this workshop, we will use the magical question "What if?" to take a story we already know and love, pull it apart, twist it upside down and inside out, then put it back together to create something new!

They say truth is stranger than fiction. In this workshop, we'll go beyond "that’s what really happened!" to turn true stories into truly great (believable) fiction. We'll apply the magical "What if?" to the old adage "write what you know" to discover the heart of our personal stories and other true tales.

Author life isn't easy. Rejections from editors before publication and negative reviews after. Why do we do it? I'll tell you my secret: my biggest successes happened BECAUSE of failure, not in spite of it! We'll apply the magic of "What if?" to turn our personal stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Click here to learn more about my other available presentations. You'll also find information about my current rates, what to expect in a full-day author visit (and your options for half-day or virtual events), tips for a successful event, and more!